Friday 24 October 2014

Sometimes it feels good to be rude.

Got this friend invite from an old acquiantance on Facebook. I accepted the request since he is my uncle's cousin. He sent me usual hi hello msg and I responded nicely. 
 Today I posted a picture of my nephew's picture and I got msg from this guy asking if it is my baby and if I'm married.
I answered No and said it is my sister's baby.
He then asked why am I still single.
The nerve???
We are not even close! 
He asked the question 3 times and I responded, "I'm single and I don't think I should explain why.

People should know what to ask to who and how.
Some people even post their msg on public. 
It's totally rude and calls for a rude response.
When you asked twice and the person ignore it then it means she don't know the answer or simply don't want to answer the question.